Notes From Kuwait 2

Kuwait in transition - between the old and the new (Beirut Notes)
- The Kuwaitis I met in the past couple of days love Lebanon and are shocked by what our politicians are doing to "their second home". They do not understand the vulgar and dangerous bickering of our leaders. A Kuwaiti journalist told me that a Lebanon without Syria is almost like Iraq without Saddam Hussein: Chaotic.
- A Russian diplomat in Kuwait told me today that Lebanon needs the intervention of an outside power if it wants security and stability. He added that it is his point of view and not that of his government.
He also said that Lebanon is pro-American today.
- A few days ago there was a ceremony at the Lebanese Embassy here in memory of murdered PM Rafic Hariri. Supporters of Walid Jumblat were the loudest, shouting: "Abou Taymoor, Abou Taymoor."
On the occasion, Ghazi Youssef represented Saad Hariri. An official present said that Youssef told him that he was preparing an optional civil marriage bill.
When such a bill was put forward in 1998, it drew fire from both Muslim and Christian religious leaders.
The Mufti of the Republic Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Kabbani said back then that the decision hurts the essence of religion and the Shariaa.
Ref. civil marriage I wonder if it hurts the essence of any religion as much as the essence of the religious establishment bank accounts.
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